The aim of WJAET is to subsidize onrushing knowledge in various research fields with erudition, hence to elevate high trait research.The WJAET is progressively vital journal for the development of Information Science and Technology. The core addressees of this publication comprises academics, research scholars, graduate students, practitioners and all others interested in Information Science and Technology research. The journal welcomes and encourages articles from both practitioners and academics.
WJAET is an entrenched and prominent venue for publishing research papers as recognized by various universities and international professional bodies. WJAET is an arbitrated open for publishing scientific papers in all areas of information science and technology research. The objective of WJAET is to impart succor in the development of science and technology. Most importantly, WJAET aspire at progressive conventional journals by the pioneer to explore in their respective research areas.
WJAET is a Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal. Reviewing is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It reflects the quality of research carried out by a researcher. The success of Scientific publishing relies on the review process and WJAET provides one such review process to publish a research article.
We will nurture universal gen to set with merit, which exemplify WJAET as one of the leading global source for scientific research organization.
We consign to
Endorse fineness for journal publications of the member bodies
Serve as a medium for broadcast and converse of scientific knowledge
Triumph technical eminence in our programs, Publications and other activities.
Integrity in the practice of our profession.
Concede achievements of individuals and institutions for their research and publications.
The progression of the Technology and Engineering disciplines.